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Thursday mornings from 9.30 am until 11.30 am

(meet in the bar opposite from 9.00 am for a coffee beforehand)



Jose Arcanjo Stadium, just off the EN125 behind McDonalds



€3 per session to cover the pitch hire



Chris Wright







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We have a core of around 15 regulars from across Europe, plus plenty of people coming and going of all nationalities, from those in their early 50s to the mid 70s and older.


Players meet up around 9.15, warm up with stretching and practice, and play up to five 10-20 minute sessions; we then usually have a drink in the bar opposite.


Local rules: 

- Two touches only

- No slide tackles or tackling from behind

- Size 5 ball

- 15-20 minutes per session max.

- Played on a half-sized astroturf pitch

- Free kick for running, hand ball, foul or heading with both feet off the ground

- Free kicks are indirect

- Defender must be 2 yards from the free kick 

- Ball out of play is a kick in

- Defender must be 2 yards from kick in

- Play stops if any player is injured















































Olhao rules
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