A quick reminder on our rules...
Our clubs operate on the basis that contact between players should be minimal to avoid the risk of injury. In particular, there should be NO attempt to win the ball from behind.
The reason for the introduction of this rule was two-fold: firstly to address concerns that repeated tackles from behind had increased both in frequency and force. Secondly, and consequently, to minimize the risk of injury and to make players safer.
It was recognized that only a few challenges were made with malicious intent, but many attempts to challenge from behind were causing harm.
To recap on our WF rules:
NO challenging from behind under any circumstances (even honest attempts to win the ball can cause injury)
NO leaving the ground to tackle; you must remain on your feet at all times. So no sliding tackles!
It is NOT acceptable to kick a player who is covering the ball to obtain a tactical advantage.
(assuming they have not taken their two touches). Covering the ball after your two touches have been made and then moving in any way as to impede an opponent is also an offense.
Also, all players should always have one foot in contact with the ground; this means no running or jogging, even when you don't have the ball or the ball is out of play, and no jumping off the ground to head a ball.